
V-Tour Series

Üretimden Kalkan

Enhanced Design, Improved Playability

Roland’s popular V-Tour series gets upgraded with a newly designed Kick Pad and V-Cymbals, and an enhanced TD-9 sound module, to improve the total playability of the drum set. Play any style of music with the diverse range of sounds onboard, and drum along your favorite MP3/WAV songs via USB key.

The TD-9K2 components are packaged in two boxes as follows:

  • Affordable V-Drums with the enhanced TD-9 sound module
  • Mesh heads for snare and toms (PDX-8, PDX-6)
  • Compact and expressive hi-hat combination with CY-5 and FD-8
  • Box 1 (TD-9K2)
    (1) TD-9 Percussion Sound Module with multi-pin cable harness and module mount
    (2) PDX-8 Mesh Pads (Snare, Tom 3)
    (2) PDX-6 Mesh Pads (Tom 1, Tom2)
    (1) KD-9 Kick Trigger Pad
    (1) CY-12C V-Cymbal Pad
    (1) CY-13R V-Cymbal Pad
    (1) CY-5 Cymbal Pad
    (1) FD-8 Hi-Hat Control Pedal
  • Box 2 (MDS-9)
    This includes the drum set rack, and the clamps and arms for both the pads and cymbals.